Looking to grow your own fresh vegetables, fruit & flowers? Join our thriving community of gardeners at Clare Allotments.
Nestled behind The Lower Common in Clare, Suffolk, our well-maintained allotments offer a peaceful retreat for all green-thumbed enthusiasts.
The charity manages three almshouses located by the Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul in Clare, Suffolk.
These historic buildings, dating back to the 19th Century, provide housing for local people of modest means who are in need of accommodation.
The Charity is responsible for land at The Upper Common, The Lower Common and Goosecroft.
The Upper Common is managed by the Charity as flower rich open land & woodland to benefit wildlife.
The Lower Common is used for allotments & along with Goose Croft (located just outside Clare), is let for grazing.
About us
Clare Combined Charities is based in Clare, Suffolk.
Clare Combined Charities aims to support the local community through various initiatives, including the management of commons, allotments, almshouses, and through educational grants.
Trustees & Funding
The charity is governed by nine trustees and operates through various sub-committees focused on land management, almshouses, and support funds.
Income is generated from allotment rents, land tenancy, the Countryside Stewardship scheme, almshouse maintenance fees, and interest from investments.